Wednesday 19 March 2014

It is expectation met and surpassed

Today is Wednesday 19 March 2014, end of training on internet investigative reporting. The day’s training started with learning by doing on how to create links. “Making links to the text is one of special characteristics of internet journalism. Internet is a net that everything is interconnected, no media can do this,” said trainer Peik Johansson.

The day was busy with full concentration of participants. Everyone was busy to first learn on how to make links and then do practical on making links to their own blogs. After this exercise, participants were able to select from two assignments on gas in Mtwara and press freedom in Tanzania. This assignment made participants even busy.

After posting on their blogs, participants had an opportunity to learn on how to make links within their texts. And the day was concluded by final assignment on writing whether the training has met their expectations.

For me my expectation of learning more advanced search tools was surpassed. Apart from technical aspect, I had also learned on how to write good investigative piece of story, aided by internet. I am sure this is another training that has prepared another group of modern journalists in Arusha.

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